Asal farm is an agricultural company that was incorporated may 2024, the company was born after realizing gaps in the agricultural sector in our region. We initiated this idea in order to alleviate hunger and poverty in our society .We invest in smart agriculture, green economy, capacity building, and growing sustainable communities.
Voluptates ipsam et dicta nisi, totam impedit sapiente debitis voluptas unde soluta iusto facere molestiae tempore! Temporibus, delectus. Quidem, recusandae quasi.
Poultry (meat and eggs) production ; Horticultural products in green houses ; Other agricultural produce received from farmer’s cooperatives ; Plants nursery ;
Offering training programs to farmers on sustainable agricultural practices and essential life skills for improved productivity and resilience. These support growth and community well-being.
The company exists to end hunger, rural poverty and reduce inequalities by providing solutions on sustainable agriculture, to build capacity , to reduce unemployment as well as to contribute to green economy .
Emphasizing long-term environmental, economic, and social sustainability in agriculture.
Prioritizing the well-being of local communities, promoting fair labor practices, and enhancing education on sustainable farming techniques.
Encouraging innovative approaches to agriculture, such as technology integration, sustainable farming methods, and new ways to address food security.
Building strong partnerships with farmers, local leaders, organizations, and governments to address challenges in the agricultural sector.
Promoting transparency, honesty, and ethical practices in all aspects of our work, ensuring trust within the community and stakeholders.
Ensuring equal opportunities for all farmers and community members, regardless of gender, background, or economic status.
Fostering adaptability and the ability to recover from challenges, particularly in the face of climate change or market fluctuations.
Creating opportunities for knowledge transfer and skill-building to help individuals and communities thrive.
In the early stages, you can combine some roles, and a few people may perform multiple tasks. Here's a sample structure for a small startup agribusiness with about 6-8 key people:
CEO / Founder: Salwa Uwabasindi & Shyaka Assouman
Environmental Engineer: Iradukunda Irene
Operations Manager / Farm Manager: Uwimbabazi Maimuna
Marketing & Sales Manager: Bazubagira Ange Zamda
Agricultural Technician and Trainer: Eric Ntirushwamaboko
Accountant / Financial Manager: Shyaka Assouman
Training Coordinator / Admin Support (1-2): Warda Uwineza
Field Worker (2-3): Hannah, Cynthia